This is the second Supplement since publication of the 7th edition of the Check-list of North American Birds (American Ornithologists' Union 1998). It summarizes decisions made by the AOU's Committee on Classification and Nomenclature between 1 January 2000 and 31 December 2001. The Committee has continued to operate in the manner outlined in the 42nd Supplement (AOU 2000). Changes in this Supplement fall into 10 categories: (1) four species are added to the main list or are transferred from the Appendix to the main list because of new distributional information (Larus cirrocephalus, Larus dominicanus, Aratinga mitrata, Phylloscopus inornatus); (2) four species are added to the main list because of splitting of species previously on the list (Pterodroma sandwichensis, Gallinago delicata, Chaetura fumosa, Baeolophus atricristatus); (3) two species replace others now on the list because of splitting from extralimital forms (Phaethornis longirostris, Phaethornis striigularis); (4) one species (Amazilia cyanifrons) is removed from the list because its only representative in our area has been reassigned status and moved to the Appendix; (5) five species names are changed because of generic reallocation (Platalea ajaja, Porphyrio martinica, Porphyrio flavirostris, Allenia fusca, Passerina caerulea); (6) spelling of the scientific names of two species is changed because of rules relating to agreement in gender with generic names (Phalaropus fulicarius, Donacobius atricapilla); (7) authorship and date of publication of one species are changed for nomenclatural reasons (Centrocercus minimus); (8) three English names are changed, one because of a species split (Galapagos Petrel), one to avoid implicit geographic limitations (Mariana Swiftlet), and one to reflect relationships more clearly (Eared Quetzal); (9) two species are added to the Appendix (Agapornis roseicollis, Amazilia alfaroana); and (10) species limits and statements of distribution are changed for two species because of splits of extralimital populations (Zenaida asiatica, Carduelis flammea). In addition, the distributional statements of some species already on the list are amended in instances where significant new information has become available, or where acceptance of distributional records modifies the list of birds known from north of the Mexico–United States border, essentially the southern limit of the AOU Check-list before the 6th edition. The additions to and deletion from the main list bring the number of species recognized as occurring in the Check-list area (main list) to 2,030. Literature that provides the basis for the Committee's decisions is cited at the end of the Supplement, and citations not already in the Literature Cited of the 7th edition become additions to it. An updated list of the bird species known from the AOU Check-list area may be accessed at
The following changes to the 7th edition (page numbers refer thereto) result from the Committee's actions:
pp. xvii–liv. In the list of bird species known from the Check-list area, change 2023 (from 42nd Supplement) to 2030. In the list, insert the following species in the proper position as indicated by the text of this Supplement:
Pterodroma sandwichensis Hawaiian Petrel (H)
Gallinago delicata Wilson's Snipe
Larus cirrocephalus Gray-hooded Gull (A)
Larus dominicanus Kelp Gull
Aratinga mitrata Mitred Parakeet (I)
Chaetura fumosa Costa Rican Swift
Phaethornis longirostris Long-billed Hermit
Phaethornis striigularis Stripe-throated Hermit
Baeolophus atricristatus Black-crested Titmouse
Phylloscopus inornatus Yellow-browed Warbler (A)
Remove the following names:
Phaethornis superciliosus Long-tailed Hermit
Phaethornis longuemareus Little Hermit
Amazilia cyanifrons Indigo-capped Hummingbird
Change the following scientific names, with no change in English names:
Ajaia ajaja to Platalea ajaja
Porphyrula martinica to Porphyrio martinica
Porphyrula flavirostris to Porphyrio flavirostris
Phalaropus fulicaria to Phalaropus fulicarius
Donacobius atricapillus to Donacobius atricapilla
Margarops fuscus to Allenia fusca
Guiraca caerulea to Passerina caerulea
Change the following English names:
Pterodroma phaeopygia Galapagos Petrel
Aerodramus bartschi Mariana Swiftlet
Euptilotis neoxenus Eared Quetzal
Rearrange the species (and English) names in Passerina into the following sequence:
Passerina caerulea
Passerina amoena
Passerina cyanea
Passerina rositae
Passerina leclancherii
Passerina versicolor
Passerina ciris
p. 10. The occurrence of Thalassarche melanophris in Atlantic waters off the United States has been verified by Patteson et al. (1999). In the paragraph beginning “Casual,” after the record for Martinique, insert: “and Virginia (about 65 nautical miles east of Virginia Beach, 6 February 1999; Patteson et al. 1999).” Change the last clause of the paragraph to “earlier sight reports from off the coast of North America, from Newfoundland to Florida, remain unsatisfactory.”
p. 14. The occurrence of Pterodroma cahow in waters off the Atlantic coast of the United States has been verified by Wingate et al. (1998). Change the second paragraph in the Distribution statement for the species to read:
Ranges at sea, exact area unknown; at least 10 records, nearly all recent and many substantiated by photos, off the coast of North Carolina between late May and mid-August (Wingate et al. 1998, ABA 1999).
p. 15. Pterodroma sandwichensis is recognized as a species distinct from P. phaeopygia on the basis of differences in vocalizations and morphology (Tomkins and Milne 1991, Browne et al. 1997) that are comparable to species-level differences elsewhere in the genus.
Change the English name of P. phaeopygia to Galapagos Petrel.
Replace Distribution of P. phaeopygia with:
Breeds in the Galapagos Islands (Isabella, San Salvador, Santa Cruz, Floreana, and San Cristóbal).
Ranges at sea in the eastern Pacific Ocean from Clipperton Island and Costa Rica (Slud 1964) south to northern Peru, perhaps north to western Mexico (Howell and Webb 1995).
Replace the Notes under P. phaeopygia with: Under English name Dark-rumped Petrel, formerly included P. sandwichensis, now recognized as distinct. See comments under P. hasitata and P. sandwichensis.
Insert the following after P. phaeopygia:
Pterodroma sandwichensis (Ridgway). Hawaiian Petrel.
Œ[stralata] sandwichensis Ridgway, 1884, in Baird, Brewer, and Ridgway, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., 13, vol. 2, p. 395. (Sandwich Islands = Hawaii.)
Habitat.—Nests in burrows in rain forest; forages in tropical oceans.
Distribution.—As for sandwichensis group in P. phaeopygia account.
Notes.—Formerly included with P. phaeopygia as Dark-rumped Petrel but separated on the basis of differences in vocalizations, morphology, and genetics (Tomkins and Milne 1991, Browne et al. 1997). A photograph and sight reports from California, and a sight report from Oregon, may be of either species.
p. 16. Bulweria bulwerii has been documented as occurring in waters of the United States. Delete the last phrase “sight reports from Florida” from the second paragraph on Distribution and add a new paragraph as follows:
Accidental in summer off Outer Banks, North Carolina (LeGrand et al. 1999) and in Monterey Bay, California (Field Notes 52: 498, 1998; photo). There are sight reports from Florida (Robertson and Woolfenden 1992).
p. 50. The genus Ajaia is merged into Platalea, following most recent treatments (e.g. Matheu and del Hoyo in del Hoyo et al. 1992). Replace the generic heading with:
Genus PLATALEA Linnaeus
Platalea Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., (ed. 10), 1: 139. Type, by subsequent designation (Gray 1840), Platalea leucorodia Linnaeus.
Retain the citation for Ajaia as a synonym.
Change the species heading to: Platalea ajaja Linnaeus. Roseate Spoonbill. Change Notes to read: Formerly placed in the monotypic genus Ajaia.
p. 112. Add to Notes under Ortalis ruficauda: For updated information on distribution, see Smith and Smith (1999).
p. 119. Replace the heading, citation, and type locality for Centrocercus minimus Bradbury and Vehrencamp, inserted by the 42nd Supplement (AOU 2000) with:
Centrocercus minimus Young et al. Gunnison Sage-Grouse.
Centrocercus minimus Young, Braun, Oyler-McCance, Hupp, and Quinn, 2000, Wilson Bull. 112: 446. (Approximately 32 km southeast of Gunnison, Gunnison County, Colorado.)
The name was used by Bradbury and Vehrencamp only in a caption to identify a bird pictured on the cover of their 1998 book “Principles of Animal Communication.” It was not used in the text, and it does not appear in the second printing of the book. As a name proposed “as a means of temporary reference and not for formal taxonomic use as a scientific name in zoological nomenclature,” it is excluded from the provisions of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature under Article 1(b)(6) of the third edition (ICZN 1985) and Article 1.3.5 of the fourth edition (ICZN 1999) of the Code. The first available name is that proposed by Young et al. (2000). In formal listings, as in the citation in this Check-list, all authors of the name Centrocercus minimus should be given; in less formal listings, as in the species heading, the authorship of Centrocercus minimus can be given merely as Young et al., 2000.
p. 136. Following Olson (1973) and others, the genus Porphyrula is merged into Porphyrio. Replace the generic heading with:
Genus PORPHYRIO Brisson
Porphyrio Brisson, 1760, Orn. 1, p. 48; 5, p. 522. Type by tautonomy, Porphyrio Brisson = Fulica porphyrio Linnaeus.
Retain the citation for Porphyrula as a synonym but delete Notes under generic heading.
Change species headings to Porphyrio martinica (Linnaeus). Purple Gallinule and Porphyrio flavirostris (Gmelin). Azure Gallinule. Under each species, add a Note: Formerly placed in the genus Porphyrula.
p. 177. Because of differences in the winnowing display sounds and morphology (Thönen 1969, Miller 1996), Gallinago delicata (Wilson's Snipe) is recognized as a species distinct from the Old World G. gallinago, which retains the name Common Snipe. Insert the following before the account for G. gallinago:
Gallinago delicata (Ord). Wilson's Snipe.
Scolopax delicata Ord, 1825, in reprint Wilson, American Ornithology, 9, p. ccxviii (Pennsylvania.)
Habitat.—Wet grassy areas, from tundra to temperate lowlands.
Distribution.—as the delicata group in account of G. gallinago.
Notes.—Formerly considered part of G. gallinago because of overall morphological similarities (Oberholser 1921), but now separated on the basis of differences in winnowing display sounds associated with differences in the outer tail feathers (Thönen 1969, Tuck 1972, Miller 1996) that are comparable to differences between other closely related species in the genus.
Modify the account of Gallinago gallinago by removing references to the delicata group. Change Notes to read: Formerly included G. delicata, now considered distinct. South American and African taxa also have been considered conspecific with, or closely related to, G. gallinago by some authors, but are now generally treated as distinct (e.g. Fjeldså and Krabbe 1990).
p. 180. The name of the Red Phalarope should be Phalaropus fulicarius, not fulicaria. The specific name is an adjective and must agree in gender with the generic name (David and Gosselin 2000).
p. 187. Larus cirrocephalus, the Gray-hooded Gull, is moved from the Appendix to the main list because of additional information on distribution. Before the account for Larus modestus, insert the following account:
Larus cirrocephalus Vieillot. Gray-hooded Gull.
Larus cirrocephalus Vieillot, 1818, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat. (nouv. éd.) 21: 502. (Brésil = Rio de Janiero, Brazil.)
Habitat.—Bays, estuaries, and lagoons; fresh water marshes and lakes.
Distribution.—Resident in South America, from southern Ecuador to Peru on the Pacific coast and from Uruguay to central Argentina on the Atlantic coast; and in tropical and southern Africa and Madagascar. Eastern South American populations winter within their breeding range north to Paraguay and southern Brazil.
Accidental in the panhandle of Florida (Franklin County, 26 December 1998; McNair 1999) and in the Mediterranean region (Spain). There is a sight report for the Pacific coast of Panama (Ridgely 1976).
Notes.—Also known as Gray-headed Gull.
p. 193. The Kelp Gull, Larus dominicanus, is moved from the Appendix to the main list because of additional information on distribution. After the account for Larus marinus, insert the following:
Larus dominicanus Lichtenstein. Kelp Gull.
Larus dominicanus Lichtenstein, 1823, Verz. Doubl. Zool. Mus., Berlin, p. 502. (Coasts of Brazil.)
Habitat.—Seacoasts, estuaries, rivers, and lakes, from sea level to 1,500 m.
Distribution.—Resident in South America from southwestern Ecuador and southeastern Brazil south to Tierra del Fuego; in Africa from central Namibia and eastern South Africa south to the Cape; in southern Australia; in New Zealand; and on islands in the southern oceans.
Casual since at least 1989 on Chandeleur Islands, St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana (specimen) where hybridization has occurred with Larus argentatus (Amer. Birds 44: 1147, 1990). Records from the Yucatan in 1991, 1993, and 1994 have been accompanied by photographs (Howell et al. 1993) as have reports from Texas and Indiana. One individual was present at the same site in St. Mary's County, Maryland, in January and February 1998 and 1999 (Kostenko 1999). In Africa, casual north to Senegal, Kenya and Mauritania (Pineau et al. 2001).
p. 222. Add to Notes under Streptopelia decaocto: For updated information on the rapidly changing distribution of this species, see Romagosa and McEneaney (1999) and Romagosa and Labisky (2000).
p. 223. On the basis of comparative genetic, morphological, and vocal evidence (Johnson and Clayton 2000, Gibbs et al. 2001), the meloda group of Zenaida asiatica is recognized as a species. From the citation for Melopelia in the synonymy of the genus Zenaida, remove the phrase “=Columba asiatica Linnaeus.”
Remove information about the meloda group, and the words “asiatica group,” from the account of Zenaida asiatica. Change Notes to read: Formerly included Zenaida meloda (Tschudi, 1843) [Pacific Dove] of the Pacific coast of South America, now separated as a species on the basis of differences in nuclear and mitochondrial DNA, vocalizations, and morphology (Johnson and Clayton 2000, Tubaro and Mahler 1998, Gibbs et al. 2001). The two form a superspecies that is the sister group to the other species of Zenaida.
p. 235. Aratinga mitrata, established in southern California, is added to the Check-list. After the account for Aratinga finschi, insert:
Aratinga mitrata (Tschudi). Mitred Parakeet.
Conurus mitratus Tschudi, 1844, Arch. f. Naturg. 10, p. 304. (Peru; restricted to Chanchamayo Valley by Zimmer, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 17: 263, 1930.)
Habitat.—Montane Evergreen Forest (1,000–3,400 m); urban areas where introduced.
Distribution.—Resident in the eastern Andes from central Peru south to central Bolivia and western Argentina.
Introduced and established in southern California (Los Angeles and Orange counties), where present since at least 1980 (Collins and Kares 1997, Garrett 1997); also reported (Garrett 1998) from elsewhere in California (San Francisco, Sacramento, and San Diego areas) and from peninsular Florida, where it has bred (Stevenson and Anderson 1994).
p. 243. Add the following paragraph to the Distribution of Amazona viridigenalis:
Introduced and established in southern California (Los Angeles and Orange counties) since the 1960s (Garrett 1997).
p. 264. Asio stygius is recognized as a species that occurs in the United States. Insert a new paragraph under Distribution as follows:
Accidental in southern Texas; single birds seen and photographed at Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park, Hidalgo County, 9 December 1994 (Cooksey 1998) and 26 December 1996 (Wright and Wright 1997).
p. 278. On the basis of morphologic characters analyzed by Marín (2000), Chaetura fumosa is recognized as a species distinct from C. spinicauda. Remove the Costa Rican part of the distribution from the account of C. spinicauda (on p. 279), and insert “central and eastern” before “Panama.” To that account, add:
Notes.—Formerly included C. fumosa Salvin; see comments under that species.
p. 279. After the account of Chaetura spinicauda, insert:
Chaetura fumosa Salvin. Costa Rican Swift.
Chaetura fumosa Salvin, 1870. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1874, p. 204. (Bugaba, Chiriquí, Panama.)
Habitat.—Lowland Humid Tropical Forest (Tropical zone).
Distribution.—Resident in southwestern Costa Rica (El General, Térraba, and Golfo Dulce regions) and western Panama (Chiriquí).
Notes.—Formerly considered conspecific with C. spinicauda, but separated on morphological grounds by Marín (2000), who considers C. spinicauda, C. fumosa, and the South American C. egregia Todd, 1916 [Pale-rumped Swift] to form a superspecies with C. martinica, contra Sibley and Monroe (1990).
Add to Notes under C. cinereiventris and C. martinica: See comments under C. fumosa.
p. 280. The English name of Aerodramus bartschi is changed from Guam Swiftlet to Mariana Swiftlet, to express its distribution more accurately. Add to the note: Formerly known as Guam Swiftlet.
p. 283. We follow Hinkelmann (1996) and Hinkelmann and Schuchmann (1997) in separating the Phaethornis longirostris complex from P. superciliosus of South America on morphological grounds and because no satisfactory basis for their merger (Peters 1929) was ever given. Replace the account for P. superciliosus with the following:
Phaethornis longirostris (DeLattre). Long-billed Hermit.
Ornismaya longirostris DeLattre, 1843, Écho du Monde Savant, no. 45, col. 1070. (Guatemala.)
Habitat.—as for P. superciliosus.
Distribution.—as for griseoventer, mexicanus, longirostris, and baroni groups in present account of P. superciliosus.
Notes.—Groups: P. griseoventer Phillips, 1962 [Jalisco Hermit], P. mexicanus Hartert, 1897 [Hartert's Hermit], P. longirostris (DeLattre, 1843) [Long-billed Hermit], and P. baroni Hartert, 1897 [Baron's Hermit]. Formerly treated as conspecific with P. superciliosus (Linnaeus, 1766) [Rusty-breasted Hermit] with the English name Long-tailed Hermit, but separated on the basis of coloration and size by Hinkelmann (1996) and Hinkelmann and Schuchmann (1997). Howell and Webb (1995) treated mexicanus and griseoventer as a species [Mexican Hermit] under the former name, distinct from longirostris.
p. 284. We follow Hinkelmann and Schuchmann (1997) in separating the Phaethornis striigularis complex from P. longuemareus of northern South America, both on morphological grounds and because no satisfactory basis for their merger (Griscom 1932) was ever given. Replace the account for P. longuemareus with the following:
Phaethornis striigularis Gould. Stripe-throated Hermit.
Phaëthornis striigularis Gould, 1854, Monogr. Trochil., pt. 8, pl. 15, = pl. 37 of Vol. 1. (Bogotá, Colombia.)
Habitat.—as for P. longuemareus.
Distribution.—Resident on the Gulf-Caribbean slope of Middle America from Veracruz, northern Oaxaca, Tabasco, Chiapas, Campeche, and Quintana Roo south through Belize and eastern Guatemala to Honduras, on both slopes in Nicaragua (rare on Pacific slope), Costa Rica (rare in dry northwest) and Panama, and in northern Venezuela, northern and western Colombia and western Ecuador.
Notes.—Along with the western Amazonian P. atrimentalis Lawrence, 1858 [Black-throated Hermit], formerly included in P. longuemareus (Lesson, 1832) and known as Little Hermit, but the three were separated by Hinkelmann and Schuchmann (1997). Howell and Webb (1995) also suggested that striigularis should be recognized as a species but treated the complex in the genus Pygmornis Bonaparte; see Gill and Gerwin (1989). Populations from Mexico to northwestern Colombia and western Ecuador were treated as the adolphi group by AOU (1998) and recognized as a species P. adolphi Gould, 1857 [Boucard's Hermit] by Davis (1972). Here they are treated as part of striigularis and not considered to constitute a group. Hinkelmann and Schuchmann (1997) note the existence of hybrids between nominate striigularis and other taxa included in this species in northern Colombia.
p. 298. Weller (2001) proposed that the single specimen of Amazilia cyanifrons from the Check-list area, tentatively treated (AOU 1998) as the subspecies A. c. alfaroana, should be recognized as a species, A. alfaroana Underwood, 1896. We accept the removal of that unique specimen from the species A. cyanifrons, but place it in Part 2 of the Appendix on the basis that its status as a species rather than a hybrid individual has not been adequately demonstrated. As a result of this treatment, Amazilia cyanifrons becomes extralimital to the Check-list area and the account for that species is deleted.
p. 318. The English name of Euptilotis neoxenus is changed from Eared Trogon to Eared Quetzal, to indicate its affinities more precisely, following Howell and Webb (1995). Change the Notes under that species to:
Notes.—Formerly known as Eared Trogon.
p. 330. In the top line, pleuricinctus should be pluricinctus.
p. 410. Records of the Piratic Flycatcher, Legatus leucophaius, in the United States are recognized. Replace the last sentence in the species account (on p. 411) with: Accidental in southeastern New Mexico (Lea County, 1–7 September 1996 [NAS Field Notes 51: 100, 1997]), Texas (Big Bend National Park, 4 April 1998 [Field Notes 52: 356, 407, 1998] and on an oil rig off the coast of Kenedy County, 21–22 October 2000 [North American Birds 55: 72, 248, photo, 2001]), and southern Florida (15 March 1991). The latter record was initially published as a Variegated Flycatcher (Bradbury 1992). See ABA (2001).
p. 414. Add to the Notes under Tyrannus caudifasciatus: For updated information on distribution, see Smith et al. (2000). No records in the United States (Florida) are recognized. Delete the first clause of the second paragraph under Distribution.
p. 466. A reevaluation of the nature of the hybrid zone, genetics, and vocal differences in Baeolophus bicolor results in the two groups being separated as species.
Remove groups from Baeolophus bicolor account, and replace text with that for bicolor group. Change Notes for B. bicolor account to read: “Formerly considered conspecific with B. atricristatus. These two species hybridize freely in a stable, narrow zone through east-central Texas (Dixon 1955, 1989, 1990), but they are distinct genetically (Braun et al. 1984, Avise and Zink 1988, Sheldon et al. 1992) and vocally (Dixon 1955, Coldren 1992).
p. 467: Insert the following account after B. bicolor.
Baeolophus atricristatus (Cassin). Black-crested Titmouse.
Parus atricristatus Cassin, 1850, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 5: 103. (Texas, on the Rio Grande.)
Habitat.—As for atricristatus group in bicolor account.
Distribution.—As for atricristatus group in bicolor account.
Notes.—See comments under B. bicolor.
p. 471. The name of the Black-capped Donacobius should be Donacobius atricapilla, not atricapillus. The specific name was originally used as a noun and does not change gender to agree with the generic name (David and Gosselin 2000).
p. 490. Phylloscopus inornatus is added to the main list because of a well-documented distributional record from Alaska. After the account for Phylloscopus fuscatus, insert:
Phylloscopus inornatus (Blyth). Yellow-browed Warbler.
Regulus inornatus Blyth, 1842, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 11: 191. (near Calcutta [India] fide Ticehurst, 1938, Syst. Rev. Genus Phylloscopus, p. 100.)
Habitat.—Open broadleaf, often riparian, forest.
Distribution.—Breeds in western Siberia from upper Pechora River district east across Siberia to north shore of Sea of Okhotsk and south to south-central Siberia, eastern Mongolia, northern Manchuria, Ussuriland, and possibly North Korea.
Winters in the lower Himalayas from central Nepal eastward, and in plains and hills of northeastern India and Bangladesh east to southeastern China and Taiwan (rare) and Hainan and south through all of southeast Asia.
Wanders, especially in fall, to Scandinavia and northern Europe, especially to northern European countries bordering the North Sea coasts. Much rarer or casual in central and southern Europe and other countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. Very rare migrant to Japan and casual in Iceland. One sight report for Sumatra.
Accidental in Alaska (Gambell, St. Lawrence Island, 23–24 September 1999, Lehman 2000a, b).
Notes.—Formerly included Phylloscopus humei (Brooks, 1878) [Hume's Leaf Warbler], recently separated as a species (see British Ornithologists' Union 1997).
p. 502. A record of Catharus aurantiirostris in the United States is accepted. Add the following paragraph to the section on Distribution:
Accidental in Texas (Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge), 8 April 1996 (photographs; Papish et al. 1997, ABA 1999).
p. 522. The genus Allenia, currently merged into Margarops, is separated on the basis of genetic differences (Hunt et al. 2001). Before the genus Margarops, insert the heading:
Genus ALLENIA Cory
Move the citation for Allenia from the synonymy of Margarops.
Move the species now called Margarops fuscus into Allenia as Allenia fusca (Müller). The Notes under that species should be changed to read: “Sometimes placed in the genus Margarops.”
p. 636. The monotypic genus Guiraca is merged into Passerina as a result of an analysis of mtDNA (Klicka et al. 2001) which reveals a close relationship between G. caerulea and P. amoena. Other traits (e.g. behavior, molts, plumages) support this treatment (Phillips et al. 1964, Blake 1969, Mayr and Short 1970). Replace the heading of the genus Guiraca with the heading and citation for Passerina now on p. 637. Remove the note under Guiraca; move the citation of Guiraca to the synonymy of the genus Passerina. Change the heading of the species Guiraca caerulea to:
Passerina caerulea (Linnaeus). Blue Grosbeak.
Insert at the end of the account for that species the following:
Notes.—Formerly in the monotypic genus Guiraca, but merged into Passerina because of similarities in mtDNA (Klicka et al. 2001) as well as in behavior, molts, and plumages (Phillips et al. 1964, Blake 1969).
p. 637 ff. The species in the genus Passerina are rearranged in the sequence caerulea, amoena, cyanea, rositae, leclancherii, versicolor, ciris. This sequence reflects strongly supported genetic data (Klicka et al. 2001) that suggests a close relationship between P. caerulea and P. amoena and between P. versicolor and P. ciris. The position of P. cyanea near P. amoena is maintained on the basis of other indications (hybridization, vocal similarity) of a close relationship.
p. 664. The populations of Common Redpoll in the British Isles and central Europe, constituting the subspecies Carduelis flammea cabaret, are separated as a distinct species (Knox et al. 2001) on the basis of differences in morphology, vocalizations, and behavior, and sympatric breeding of the two forms in southern Norway.
Delete the phrase “the British Isles and central Europe (Alps),” from the statement of breeding distribution of Carduelis flammea. To the Notes for that species, add: Formerly included Carduelis cabaret (Müller, 1776) [Lesser Redpoll], recently separated by Knox et al. (2001).
p. 692. Larus cirrocephalus and Larus dominicanus are moved from the Appendix to the main list.
p. 693. After the account for Columba goodsoni, insert:
Agapornis roseicollis (Vieillot). Peach-faced Lovebird.
Psittacus roseicollis Vieillot, 1817 (1818), Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat. (nouv. éd.) 25: 377. (Interior of the Cape of Good Hope.)
This popular cage bird, native to dry country of southwestern Africa, is considered established in and around Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (North American Birds 54: 85, 2000). It has been reported nesting in cavities in saguaro cactus and in palms (T. Corman pers. comm., G. Clark pers. comm.). Escapees have been reported in southern Florida (Stevenson and Anderson 1994).
p. 700. Insert the following after the account for Amazilia bangsi:
Amazilia alfaroana Underwood. Alfaro's Hummingbird.
Amazilia alfaroana Underwood, 1896, Ibis, 1896, p. 441 (Volcán de Miravalles, Costa Rica.)
This unique specimen has been treated (Stiles and Skutch 1989, AOU 1998) as a subspecies of Amazilia cyanifrons (Bourcier, 1843) following Carriker (1910). Weller (2001) thinks that the specimen was missexed, and that it is a distinct species because of color and size characters that do not quite match either A. cyanifrons or A. saucerrottei. The possibility of hybrid origin has not been ruled out convincingly.
p. 705–730. In the list of French names of North American Birds:
Insert the following in the appropriate places, as indicated by the preceding text:
Pterodroma sandwichensis Pétrel des Hawaï
Gallinago delicata Bécassine de Wilson
Aratinga mitrata Conure mitrée
Chaetura fumosa Martinet du Costa Rica
Phaethornis longirostris Ermite à longue queue
Phaethornis striigularis Ermite à gorge rayée
Baeolophus atricristatus Mésange à plumet noir
Phylloscopus inornatus Pouillot à grands sourcils
Agapornis roseicollis Inséparable rosegorge
Amazilia alfaroana Ariane d'Alfaro
Move the following from the Appendix list to the main list:
Larus cirrocephalus
Larus dominicanus
Change the following scientific names, retaining the French names:
Ajaia ajaja to Platalea ajaja
Porphyrula martinica to Porphyrio martinica
Porphyrula flavirostris to Porphyrio flavirostris
Phalaropus fulicaria to Phalaropus fulicarius
Donacobius atricapillus to Donacobius atricapilla
Margarops fuscus to Allenia fusca
Guiraca caerulea to Passerina caerulea
Delete the following from the list:
Phaethornis superciliosus
Phaethornis longuemareus
Amazilia cyanifrons
Change the French names of the following:
Caracara cheriway to Caracara du Nord
Campylopterus curvipennis to Campyloptère pampa
Euptilotis neoxenus to Quetzal oreillard
Philydor fuscipennis to Anabate à ailes sombres
Pica hudsonia to Pie d'Amérique
Calyptophilus tertius to Tangara d'Haïti
Icterus bullockii to Oriole de Bullock
Rearrange the species in the genus Passerina as follows:
Passerina caerulea
Passerina amoena
Passerina cyanea
Passerina rositae
Passerina leclancherii
Passerina versicolor
Passerina ciris
p. 760. Insert the following reference in the proper position:
Sealy, S. G., H. R. Carter, W. D. Shuford, K. D. Powers, and C. A. Chase, III. 1991. Long-distance vagrancy of the Asiatic Marbled Murrelet in North America, 1979–1989. Western Birds 22:145–155.
p. 768. In the citation to Zink and Blackwell, insert the date 1996.
Taxonomic proposals considered but not yet accepted by the Committee include: separation of Calonectris borealis from C. diomedea; splitting the genus Anas into two or three genera; separation of Anas carolinensis from A. crecca; separation of Pyrrhura eisenmanni from P. picta; separation of Cynanthus doubledayi from C. latirostris; separation of Amazilia wagneri from A. viridifrons; separation of Petrochelidon pallida from P. fulva; separation of Toxostoma palmeri from T. curvirostre; recognition of Sporophila corvina rather than S. americana in our area; and merger of Cyanocompsa into Passerina.
Michel Gosselin is serving the Committee as its authority for French names, and Normand David is serving as authority for classical languages, especially relative to gender of generic names. M. J. Braun, L. Bull, T. Corman, E. C. Dickinson, K. L. Garrett, D. D. Gibson, S. N. G. Howell, H. F. James, A. Knox, M. Michener, S. L. Olson, A. T. Peterson, H. D. Pratt, S. G. Sealy, A. Sheehey, J. M. Sheppard, F. C. Thompson, and G. Wiles either called matters to our attention or provided helpful advice, or both.